Generative AI: unlocking value in Customer Service Operations

March 22, 2023
12:00 PM ET | 5:00 PM CET

March 22, 2023
12:00 PM ET | 5:00 PM CET

Generative AI—think, ChatGPT and LaMDA—has grabbed recent headlines with astounding speed, showcasing its power and potential to transform—everything. For Customer Service Operations (CSO) leaders, generative AI offers a new lever for value creation and growth. With 60%+ of leaders expecting their AI budgets to increase in the coming years, pragmatic executives should be asking, “how can this create value in my organization?”

Join us for a 60-minute virtual conversation with experts on how you can identify the value and begin deploying generative AI within your organization.

Presenter IconSpeakers


McKinsey Speaker Richard

Richard Smullen

Founder and CEO


McKinsey Speaker Sagie

Sagie Davidovich



Ping Wu Cresta

Ping Wu

VP Engineering and Product


McKinsey Speaker Maksim

Maksim Ovsyannikov

EVP, Products and Design


McKinsey Speaker Oana

Oana Cheta



McKinsey Speaker John

John Larson

Expert AP


Josh Wolff McKinsey

Josh Wolff



Presenter IconAgenda

Learn about the disruptive potential of generative AI in customer care (for customers, for agents, and for back office operations)

Gain a better understanding of how to identify value and begin deploying generative AI in an organization

Hear distinct perspectives from a panel of leading CEOs, CIOs, and Private Equity innovators on how AI can create value from hyper personalized customer experience to accelerated data analytics