Unleashing the potential of generative AI in manufacturing and supply chain

September 14, 2023
10:30 AM ET | 4:30 PM CET

September 14, 2023
10:30 AM ET | 4:30 PM CET

The excitement around generative AI continues to build, yet leaders remain unclear about how to leverage its power to drive value in their organization. Join McKinsey manufacturing and supply chain experts to understand how generative AI can help increase efficiency, productivity, and resilience in your operations. We’ll explore what generative AI means in a manufacturing and supply chain context and leverage McKinsey’s Innovation & Learning Centers dive into industry-specific use cases to help bring this technology’s potential to life.

Attendees will:

1.       Increase their understanding of generative AI capabilities and impact

2.       Explore potential applications for their operations

3.       Experience LIVE demonstrations of generative AI applications