Tech and AI enabled maintenance for transportation and infrastructure

March 28, 2024
11:00 AM ET | 4:00 PM CET

March 28, 2024
11:00 AM ET | 4:00 PM CET

European transportation and infrastructure players are experiencing continuous challenges including rising service demands, stringent safety regulations and supply chain disruptions. Join our experts for a 60-minute deep-dive into some of these trends and how timely and appropriate technology-driven maintenance can effectively tackle these challenges.

Advances in technology have spurred opportunities and the use of data and analytics can bring impact along all phases of maintenance.

In the session we will:

  • Discuss the most relevant benefits of tech and AI enabled maintenance and leading advanced technologies
  • Explore application of latest tech and gen AI use cases on maintenance with real case studies
  • Discover how your organization can adapt to the fast-changing technology updates