Procurement in Times of Inflation, Volatility, and Energy Crisis: Core Actions for Procurement Leaders to Navigate Uncertainty

October 25, 2022
10:00 AM ET | 4:00 PM CET

October 25, 2022
10:00 AM ET | 4:00 PM CET

In times of geopolitical instability, spiraling inflation, volatile energy prices and supply chains, procurement holds a crucial role in counteracting the effects of these disruptions. In parallel, procurement functions need to get prepared to capture opportunities from a looming recession. How can procurement leaders build resilience, and mitigate inflation and risks in this challenging environment? We have identified nine core fields of action for procurement leaders to act on. In our webinar, we will deep dive into each of these areas and provide tangible and valuable insights and examples—from generating full risk transparency and adjusting the procurement operating model to driving end-to-end margin management and cross-functional nerve centers.

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