What the Lighthouses did next: New horizons for 4IR impact

October 12, 2023
09:00 AM ET | 3:00 PM CET | 9:00 PM BJT

October 12, 2023
09:00 AM ET | 3:00 PM CET | 9:00 PM BJT

Lighthouses have proven that productivity, sustainability, and workforce engagement goals can be met and exceeded at scale with Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies – and our pioneers have not stood still.

Hear from founding members of the Global Lighthouse Network about how their initial investments in tech-enabled operations have inspired them to continue their journey to improve manufacturing performance, navigate volatility, and enjoy successes that extend beyond the bottom line.

The Global Lighthouse Network is a World Economic Forum initiative co-founded with McKinsey. It examines the future of operations and considers how Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies are shaping production. This growing community of organizations is setting the trends of the future with their use of digital and analytics tools across the value chain to drive growth and productivity, improve resilience, and deliver environmental sustainability.


Ready to begin your Lighthouse journey?

Learn more about the Global Lighthouse Network
Submit your Wave 12 application here
Submission deadline is January 26, 2024

Presenter IconSpeakers

Professor Ni Jun - CATL

Ni Jun

Chief Manufacturing Officer

Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited (CATL)

Brand Cheng - Chairman and CEO - Foxconn Industrial Internet

Brand Cheng

Chief Executive Officer

Foxconn Industrial Internet

Dirk Holbach, Henkel

Dirk Holbach

Corporate Senior Vice President Global Supply Chain


Marcel Welz, Henkel

Marcel Welz

Digital Engineer


Remo Colarusso, Johnson and Johnson

Remo Colarusso

VP Technical Operations

Johnson & Johnson

Kevin Whitehead | Lighthouses Live

Kevin Whitehead

VP Supply Chain Standards, Risk & Compliance

Johnson & Johnson

Levent Cakiroglu, Koc Holding

Levent Çakıroğlu

Chief Executive Officer

Koҫ Holding

Enno de Boer, McKinsey and Company

Enno de Boer

Senior Partner

McKinsey & Company

Mourad Tamoud, Schneider Electric

Mourad Tamoud

Chief Supply Chain Officer

Schneider Electric


Virginie Rigaudeau

Sustainable Transformation Project Leader

Schneider Electric

Gunter_Beitinger Siemens

Gunter Beitinger

SVP Manufacturing, Head of Factory Digitalization & Head of Product Carbon Footprint,


Cedrik Neike

Cedrik Neike

Member of the Managing Board and CEO Digital Industries


GLN Federico

Federico Torti

Initiatives Lead, Advanced Manufacturing and Value Chains

World Economic Forum

Presenter IconAgenda


How Lighthouses Have Defied Global Challenges and Navigated Uncertainty

- Resilience use case

- Workforce use case

- Sustainability use case

Global Lighthouses: Pioneering Advanced Manufacturing at Scale


The Global Lighthouse Network is a World Economic Forum initiative. It was co-founded with McKinsey & Company, and is governed by an advisory board of industry leaders who are working together to shape the future of global manufacturing. Factories and value chains that join the network are designated by an independent panel of experts. The full list of advisory board members is Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited (CATL); Foxconn Industrial Internet; Henkel; Johnson & Johnson; Koç Holdings; McKinsey & Company; Schneider Electric; and Siemens.