Investing in your digital supply chain: how value and resilience go hand-in-hand

June 11, 7-11p CET
Barcelona, Spain

June 11, 7-11p CET
Barcelona, Spain

By invitation only
Supply chain leaders at all levels are feeling the pressure to maintain efficiencies and service in the face of ever-growing disruptions. Whether geopolitical, natural disaster, or social media driven, disruptions are becoming more frequent. Managing their impact on service and profitability requires an investment in a new way of planning, leveraging the next generation of tools to enable innovative processes.

Join McKinsey experts and industry peers this summer in Barcelona to learn more about where successful companies have invested, and what they’re doing to maximize value and build resilience.

We look forward to welcoming COOs, CIOs and senior supply chain executives to this event. Please supply your contact information using the form below to register your interest for this event.


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