Boosting talent stability and ownership mindsets in frontline operations

December 11, 2024
11:00 AM ET | 5:00 PM CET

December 11, 2024
11:00 AM ET | 5:00 PM CET

Talent productivity and stability remain top issues for employers in the US. Organizations need to consider new methods for empowering their employees and creating ownership mindsets. Join us to explore how fostering a culture of ownership, including offering employees an equity stake in their companies, can lead to the emergence of new ideas, stronger team dynamics, and increased loyalty among the workforce.

In this webinar, we will explore how Ingersoll Rand reduced attrition, increased employee engagement and improved performance by making all employees owners of the company. We will also be joined by Ownership Works, a nonprofit that partners with organizations to establish broad-based employee ownership programs and develop ownership cultures, providing all employees with a stake in the value they help create.


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