The Keys to a Successful Planning Transformation

June 7, 2023
9:00 AM ET | 3:00 PM CET

June 7, 2023
9:00 AM ET | 3:00 PM CET

While supply chain resilience and visibility remain top business priorities for CEOs across the globe, less than 30% of organizations undergoing a supply chain transformation will actually reach their anticipated ROI. Inefficiencies, siloed partners and outdated IT centric models create significant project risk, while minimizing the importance of an optimized planning process.

Join us to learn about the keys to delivering a successful advanced planning system transformation that can not only help your organization reach its financial goals, but drive significant business results through improved customer experience, efficiency, and sustainability.

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Mike Raftery

Mike Raftery

Leader, SCM Connections

Chicago - Randolph

Annouck Driesen

Annouck Driesen



Valerio Dilde

Valerio Dilda

Senior Partner
