Unleashing the potential of generative AI in Life Sciences Operations

December 7, 2023
2:00 PM ET | 8:00 PM CET

December 7, 2023
2:00 PM ET | 8:00 PM CET

By invitation only

Generative AI is experiencing significant momentum this year with the potential for meaningful impact across industries and functions. On Thursday, December 7th at 2pm ET, we will host a small group of 5-7 life sciences industry leaders to engage and explore recent gen AI developments, applications in life sciences operations (including demos/ prototypes) and considerations for shaping the path forward. This intentionally small gathering is intended to generate open discussion and problem solving with industry leaders on this topic.

In the session participants will:

  • Increase their understanding of generative AI capabilities and impact
  • Explore potential applications for their operations
  • Experience LIVE demos of generative AI applications
  • Discuss key challenges, aspirations, and solutions


Interested in attending? Please contact the events team.

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Hosts (Final line-up to be confirmed)

Joe Hughes

Joe Hughes

Parag Patel

Delphine Zurkiya

Delphine Zurkiya

Boyd Spencer

Raj Rajendran

Vivek Arora